Friday, October 30, 2009

Jasper Goodall

I went to Semi Permanent this looking forward to see Jasper Goodall speak about his work. Apparently he couldn't make it down in the end due to a broken arm stopping him from flying. Anyway, his work is amazing and I love the way he plays with image in space in his most recent works. Merging vector and image...

Alex Trochut

The way Trochut merges type and illustration is amazing. His vector works are beautifully executed and he can mimic almost any surface using the simple black and white vector images. I have many more hours/days/months/years to put into illustrator before I have his level of skill.


Recently I borrowed a book full of etchings pre 1850. Sweet imagery throughout the book that could easily be used in some of my work. Especially when scanned in at high resolution and cropped so you can see the individual marks. However looking through the book, I started to question some of the images. Because etching was used for documenting the real, you feel as though everything in the book represents the real. However, this image along with a few others challenge that idea....


I went to AGIdeas last year and heard Tobias Frere-Jones speak about some of his work. He spoke about the typeface Gotham and where he drew inspiration from. From memory Gotham is adapted from signage from a train station or possibly a ferry port around NYC. long story short........I Love it.

Mark Weaver

Mark Weavers collages from his Make Something Cool Everyday series are saweeeeeet. The way he brings the imagery, text and line work together in one cohesive piece is stunning. Make Something Cool Everyday is probably something i might have to get into now that i have this blog.....

Compilation CD Cover

Front and back cover for a compilation CD I did a few months ago, inspired by Leif Podhajskys work.

leif podhajsky

Digital cosmic collages of Leif Podhajsky. The quality of the images with the use of line and symmetry create great 'epic' compositions. The treatment of the images with the use of line was inspiration for a compilation CD I created a while ago.

Will Pearson Photography

I don't know how he does it. But I dig it. A new perspective

julian wolkenstein

I find multiple personality disorders extremely interesting, even things like how people act in certain ways around different people. Also how people tend to associate themselves with a certain type of animal. Anyway, i love how these images completely reverse that idea and give human personalities to animals.

oldschool sci-fi films

I recently had a branding/stationary brief where i was inspired by 1950s and 1960s science fiction movies. The colours and textures of these film stills have a great quality to them. The use of the moving image on ALPHA60.COM.AU is worth a look (last image) sourced from the sci-fi flick 'Alphaville'.

cats are cool

that is all

as a graphic design student i am constantly looking for more inspiration. i thought should get my first blogpost since they have endless amounts of images that can inspire anyone at anytime. here are just a few that i dig/find humorous......